When we talk about dental tartar we are talking about a calcification of dental plaque. For this reason, you must bear in mind that bacterial or dental plaque is formed due to food debris along with bacteria in the mouth. This plaque must be removed periodically , so that it does not accumulate, become hard and calcify because dental tartar will form. This is due to the mixture with saliva and the minerals present in it.
At first the tartar will form a whitish color , but as time goes by it turns yellow and then brown. A symptom that can help you know if you have tartar on your teeth, even if it is not in the visible part, is halitosis or bad breath . This is because dental tartar usually smells bad, so you should keep in mind that a bad smell problem in the mouth may be related to tartar.
What Cause Tartar?
The cause of tartar is the non-elimination of bacterial plaque after meals . This can easily accumulate on the teeth, but also between them and the gums, so sometimes it may not be completely visible . The most common is to have this problem in places where it is more difficult to clean your teeth well.
For this reason, the most common is that it appears at the back of the lower front teeth, which is a difficult area to clean . On the other hand, you can also have a special predisposition for the formation of tartar on your teeth, and this factor will be the pH of your saliva.
Not all people have the same pH in saliva, and people with a more acidic pH are much more vulnerable to tooth decay . This is because they contribute to the weakening of tooth enamel and less tartar will form.
However, if the pH of your mouth is more basic, this will help to protect your teeth from cavities. But, in this case , the formation of dental tartar can be greatly favored.
Tips to prevent plaque and dental tartar
The best way to prevent and maintain a healthier mouth is good dental hygiene that allows you to remove food remains after each meal. Within this hygiene, the following points should be taken into account:
- You must brush your teeth three times a day in a correct way and without forgetting to also brush your tongue and gums.
- The use of dental floss, interdental brushes or a dental irrigator is recommended depending on your need. This in order not to leave any kind of dirty corner on your teeth.
- Avoid snacking between meals, especially for sweet or sticky foods.
- Do not consume soda or juice at all times because they will increase the likelihood of plaque formation. It is best to drink water.
- Take bites of crunchy foods, as these will help to wash away the remains that are on your teeth.
- Avoid eating purees, ground foods, juices, and do not abuse salads because it can be a big problem for your teeth.
What home remedies can I use?
Surely at some point you saw a video in which they explained that using baking soda or hydrogen peroxide on your teeth helped you whiten them and remove tartar. But, these remedies can cause serious damage to your teeth in the medium and long term.
The ideal is not to use this type of home remedies to combat tartar, but go to the consultation with a dentist who is responsible for leaving your teeth free of tartar . What you can do at home is maintain good oral hygiene. In this way, you can prevent tooth decay, and with a visit to the dentist once a year you can ensure that you keep your teeth completely healthy.
What consequences does the accumulation of tartar have?
Nobody likes to have teeth with yellowish accumulations , especially since it will greatly affect the aesthetic state of your smile. But, this is the least of the problems, because in the medium and long term, the accumulation of tartar can cause serious problems such as:
- Produces gingivitis or inflammation and irritation of the gums
- You will have bad breath constantly
- Contributes to the formation of car i is dental produced by bacteria present in plaque
- A more serious disease called periodontitis can appear , which will cause the destruction of the bone, which can lead to the loss of the affected teeth .
- It will cause digestive problems and other systemic diseases
- The presence of tartar on the teeth is directly related to the appearance of cardiovascular diseases
For these reasons, it is the most advisable thing is to remove tartar from the teeth , especially because this way you will have a better general health of your body.
How to remove it?
In the event that the tartar on your teeth has already hardened, the way to remove it is through a tratrectomy . This is a dental cleaning that is done by the dental hygienist who is a professional at the dental clinic and who will be in charge of completely removing the tartar.
This is a cleaning that is totally painless and does not require any type of anesthesia to develop. It can be done manually or with the help of ultrasound, which allows the tartar to come off the tooth.
For some patients who have a lot of tooth sensitivity it can be a bit bothersome, but in these cases a lidocaine spray will be used to numb the area. However, in the case of more advanced gum disease, a dental curettage or dental scaling should be done, which will be a more thorough cleaning . In this case, it can be a bit more bothersome so local anesthesia is applied.